💪 Hardware:FPGA bitstream & Petalinux system rootfs for TSN Evaluation Toolkit

This repo contains pre-build hardware & system rootfs to boot the Zynq AX7021 FPGA board from SD card.
File downloading
Download the following file from this public link:
- boot.scr
- image.ub
- rootfs.tar.gz
SD card partition
In order to boot the CaaS Switch, you are supposed to have a micro SD card with >32GiB storage. Then use:
sudo apt-get install gparted
sudo gparted
Parition it into two partition below
BOOT: store boot files from petalinux
Free space preceding (MiB): 4
New size (MiB): 500
File system: fat32
Label: BOOT
ROOTFS: store debian system rootfs
Free space preceding (MiB): 0
Free space following (MiB): 0
File system: ext4
Copy files into SD card
Mound SD card:
sudo mount /dev/sda1 /media/alinx/BOOT/
sudo mount /dev/sda2 /media/alinx/ROOTFS/
Remove original files:
sudo rm -rf /media/alinx/BOOT/* /media/alinx/ROOTFS/*
Copy files:
sudo cp BOOT.BIN boot.scr image.ub /media/alinx/BOOT
sudo tar -zxvf rootfs.tar.gz -C /media/alinx/ROOTFS
sudo cp -r ~/init_os.sh /media/alinx/ROOTFS/home/root/init_os.sh
sudo chown root:root /media/alinx/ROOTFS
sudo chmod 755 /media/alinx/ROOTFS
Launch the switch
1. Launch the Board
Plug the SD card into FPGA board, turn the switch to SD card boot mode.
2. Initialize PS
Plug in SD card, setup AX7021 board to boot on SD, power on.
Connect a PC to the UART port of the board. We recommend using MobaXterm to connect the serial. Set up the Speed to 115200, Flow Control to None.
The default username and password are as follows:
username: "root"
password: "root"
Execute the initilization script to set up the linux environment.
sh init_os.sh
You can freely configure the host name, IP address, and MAC address, etc with the script, and can modify the script if needed.
3. Connect to Internet
Connect the PC’s network port to the device’s PS network port (ETH0).
Set up PC’s corresponding port to be in the same subnet with the device (i.e., 192.168.137.x).
Afterwards, you can connect to the device through ssh
and copy any Software files needed.
4. Run the Software
Please refer to the software part of this repo for further instructions.